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List of common misconceptions

This list describes fallacious ideas and beliefs that are documented and widespread as well as the actual facts concerning those ideas, where appropriate.



Liste von Phobien

Die Liste von Phobien umfasst Phobien, die aufgrund ihrer besonderen Auslöser von den anderen Angststörungen abgegrenzt werden können. Wo nicht anders erwähnt, handelt es sich um spezifische Phobien (auch: isolierte Phobien; ICD-10 F40.2).


Society / Wikipedia03.03.2011

Manische Sprache

Manisch ist eine in Gießen, Marburg, Wetzlar und Bad Berleburg (Wittgenstein) als Soziolekt gesellschaftlicher Randgruppen entstandene regionale Variante des Rotwelschen. Es handelt sich um einen auf der Grundlage des örtlichen mittelhessischen bzw. Wittgensteiner Dialekts gebrauchten geheimsprachlichen Sonderwortschatz.

Rollen Stewart

Sports / Wikipedia01.03.2011

Rollen Stewart

Rollen Frederick Stewart (born Feb 19, 1944), also known as Rock 'n' Rollen and Rainbow Man, was a fixture in American sports culture best known for wearing a rainbow-colored afro-style wig and, later, holding up signs reading "John 3:16" at stadium sporting events around the United States and overseas in the 1970s and 1980s.


Sports / Wikipedia27.02.2011

Wayne Gretzky

Nicknamed "The Great One," Gretzky is generally regarded as the best player in the history of the NHL. Upon his retirement on April 18, 1999, he held forty regular-season records, fifteen playoff records, and six All-Star records. He is the only NHL player to total over 200 points in one season—a feat he accomplished four times. In addition, he tallied over 100 points in 16 WHA/NHL seasons (15 in NHL and 1 in WHA), 14 of them consecutive. Gretzky's jersey number, 99, has been retired by all teams in the National Hockey League.


Sports / Wikipedia24.02.2011

Babe Ruth’s called shot

Babe Ruth's called shot was the home run hit by Babe Ruth of the New York Yankees in the fifth inning of Game 3 of the 1932 World Series, held on October 1, 1932 at Wrigley Field in Chicago. During the at-bat, Ruth made a pointing gesture, which existing film confirms, but the exact nature of his gesture is ambiguous. Although neither fully confirmed nor refuted, the story goes that Ruth pointed to the center field bleachers during the at-bat. It was supposedly a declaration that he would hit a home run to this part of the park. On the next pitch, Ruth hit a home run to center field.




Die Onomatopoesie, deutsch Lautmalerei, Tonmalerei, Schallwort, ist die Nachahmung eines Naturlautes oder eines sonstigen außersprachlichen akustischen Phänomens durch die klanglich als ähnlich empfundene Lautgestalt eines sprachlichen Ausdrucks.


Pictures / Tittenfreitag / Wikipedia15.02.2011

Category:Sex drawings by User:Seedfeeder

The following 27 files are in this category, out of 27 total.