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Crimes / Politics / Riots17.07.2014

S21 – Video-Schocker vom Wasserwerfer

Fünf Prozesstage lang haben die beiden angeklagten Polizisten ihre Sicht des Polizeieinsatzes am Schwarzen Donnerstag dargestellt. Am sechsten Tag genügten zehn Minuten auf Video, und alle Aussagen waren Makulatur. Im Gerichtssaal herrschte Entsetzen über das Vorgehen der Wasserwerfer.


Fuppes / Politics / Riots / Society25.02.2014

Everyone’s equal in the eyes of the law – unless you are a football fan

Fans of Huddersfield Town and Hull City have no history of animosity. But in March 2013, West Yorkshire Police designated the match between the two clubs a bubble match under the C+IR security categorisation – the highest possible. Hull City fans, whose travel to the game was to be restricted, have no record of involvement in fan trouble. The decision provoked outrage. John Prescott, former MP for Hull and deputy prime minister, branded the arrangements “the most draconian travel restrictions since miners’ strike pickets were targeted”. The club itself took the unusual step of issuing a public statement protesting at the “effective criminalisation of our supporters” and “the implications for away fans in general”. Supporters groups from both clubs opposed the restrictions, and protested on the day of the game. One 15-year-old Hull City fan, Louis Cooper, took the police to court, arguing the restrictions had no lawful basis. The police responded by saying that they had “listened carefully to the concerns of fans” and by easing the restrictions. But that easing still did not allow independent travel to the match. Hull City FC offered to make whatever arrangements were necessary for Cooper to attend the game, but this meant that – as he was no longer restricted by the conditions of the bubble match – he could not continue to challenge them. Cooper refused to attend the match, saying he did not want special treatment.

An injured protester is detained by riot police during clashes at the end of a march by Spanish coal miners in Madrid

Crimes / Politics / Riots / Society19.10.2012

Spain Proposes Law Prohibiting Recording And Capturing Of Local Cops In Action

The police chief said the reform to the Public Security Law, which is being studied by the Interior Ministry, would seek to “strike a balance between the protection of the rights of citizens and those of members of the security forces. Only in recognition of the immense labor of the security forces are we able to progress toward achieving a more just, safer and peaceful society.” Cosido was speaking at a meeting with the Independent Labor Union of Public Workers (CSI-F), the Spanish Confederation of Police (CEP) and the European Confederation of Independent Labor Unions (CESI), which was convened to analyze the effects of the economic crisis on the operation of security forces. The measure, Cosidó said, is designed to protect the privacy of officers and their families and guarantee their rights of honor and image. The government, he said, will be able to “take a step forward” in providing the police with more safety to go about their work, “with strict compliance with the rule of law.”


Politics / Riots / Society21.04.2012

“Wir brauchen ein System, das den Demonstranten Angst macht”

Spaniens Regierung will sich gegen künftige Proteste wappnen und greift deshalb zu drakonischen Maßnahmen: Laut einem Gesetzesentwurf können künftig auch friedliche Demonstrationen oder Protestlager als "Anschlag auf die Staatsgewalt" gelten. Und wer via Facebook oder Twitter zur Störung der öffentlichen Ordnung aufruft, dem könnten schon bald zwei Jahre Haft drohen... Die Reform des Strafgesetzbuches bezieht sich vor allem auf die Härte der Strafe. Sie sieht vor, Vandalismus mit Terrorismus gleichzustellen. Vandalismus soll künftig mit dem Strafmaß der kale borroka bestraft werden, was auf baskisch "Straßenkämpfe" bedeutet. Dies hätte zur Folge, dass die Mindeststrafe für die  Störung der öffentlichen Ordnung von einem auf zwei Jahre erhöht würde. Richter hätten damit auch die Möglichkeit, einstweilige Freiheitsstrafen anzuordnen. Außerdem sieht das Gesetz vor, Mitglieder krimineller Organisationen zu einer Haftstrafe von über zwei Jahren verurteilen zu können. Außerdem soll jeder, der über Kommunikationsmedien wie das Internet oder soziale Netzwerke dazu aufruft, die öffentliche Ordnung zu stören, als Mitglied einer kriminellen Organisation eingestuft werden.


Conspiracy Theories / Media / Politics / Riots08.02.2012

Independent Report Contradicts Western Portrait of Syria

Here's a crash course on the "democratic" machinations of the Arab League - rather the GCC League, as real power in this pan-Arab organization is wielded by two of the six Persian Gulf monarchies composing the Gulf Cooperation Council, also known as Gulf Counter-revolution Club; Qatar and the House of Saud. Essentially, the GCC created an Arab League group to monitor what's going on in Syria. The Syrian National Council - based in North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) member countries Turkey and France - enthusiastically supported it. It's telling that Syria's neighbor Lebanon did not. When the over 160 monitors, after one month of enquiries, issued their report ... surprise! The report did not follow the official GCC line - which is that the "evil" Bashar al-Assad government is indiscriminately, and unilaterally, killing its own people, and so regime change is in order. ... The report is adamant. There was no organized, lethal repression by the Syrian government against peaceful protesters. Instead, the report points to shady armed gangs as responsible for hundreds of deaths among Syrian civilians, and over one thousand among the Syrian army, using lethal tactics such as bombing of civilian buses, bombing of trains carrying diesel oil, bombing of police buses and bombing of bridges and pipelines.


Berlin / Conspiracy Theories / Crimes / Politics / Riots22.01.2012

Berliner Polizei vertuschte Hintergründe des Ohnesorg-Todes

Der am Ort des Geschehens im Innenhof eines Hauses der Berliner Krumme Straße verantwortliche Einsatzleiter, der Staatsschutzbeamte Helmut Starke, hatte als Kurras' Vorgesetzter erklärt, er habe den Schützen erst erheblich später gesehen. Nun zeigen Fotos den leitenden Beamten der Berliner Polizei wenige Meter von der Stelle entfernt, an der Kurras aus kurzer Distanz den Schuss abgefeuert hat. Den Aussagen Starkes widerspricht insbesondere ein weiteres Foto, das jetzt im SPIEGEL erstmals vollständig veröffentlicht wird: Es zeigt nicht nur Starke und den verwundet am Boden liegenden Ohnesorg, sondern in unmittelbarer Nähe auch den Todesschützen Kurras. Auf einem weiteren bislang unbekannten Bild ist die Situation der Schussabgabe zu sehen. Dabei stützt sich Kurras mit der linken Hand auf einen Kollegen der Polizei, während er mit der rechten Hand schießt. Der Name des Kollegen ist offenbar gezielt aus den Akten herausgehalten worden, er wurde nie vernommen. Ebenfalls nicht vernommen wurden drei Schutzpolizisten, die wahrscheinlich noch nach dem tödlichen Treffer auf den bereits am Boden liegenden Ohnesorg eingeprügelt hatten. Ihre Namen sind bis heute nicht ermittelt.  


Riots / Society / Videos17.11.2011

Warsaw protester launches drone to spy on police

During protests in Warsaw last weekend, one crafty activist deployed a flying drone to spy on riot police. YouTube user latajacakamera — or “flying camera” in Polish — uploaded the amazing video that the drone effortlessly captured as it hovered over teargas-filled streets.In another video, the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) floats in front of a formation of police in riot gear as they rush towards demonstrators. None of them appear to notice. Wired editor-in-chief Chris Anderson confirmed that the flying machine was built by the Polish company Robokopter. Watch this video from latajacakamera, uploaded to YouTube Nov. 12, 2011.


Documentary / Politics / Riots / Society / Videos13.11.2011

Teenage Riot: Athens (Full Length)

On the eve of the biggest Greek strike since the right-wing junta was overthrown almost three decades ago, VICE travels to Athens to meet up with the people behind it. Students, anarchists, trade unionists, and communists let us into their squats to discuss the current government and why it must burn.