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Documentary / Movies / Music28.09.2011

American Juggalo

American Juggalo is a look at the often mocked and misunderstood subculture of Juggalos, hardcore Insane Clown Posse fans who meet once a year for four days at The Gathering of the Juggalos. We went to The Gathering of the Juggalos and let the Juggalos speak their minds.


Arts / Documentary / Movies / Videos06.09.2011

War 4

This film promises to live up to its expectations and raise the bar on all graffiti films. The all rap soundtrack paves way to a violent paint racking, bus bombing, window ecthing, weed smoking, billboard climbing, ass slapping, grill smashing, coke sniffing, toy slashing, pornstar fucking, border crossing, beer guzzling 107 minutes of what you’ve been waiting for.


Documentary / Music / Videos01.09.2011

Odd Future Documentary

Wild AF Odd Future Documentary In Their Hometown Ladera (Cooking To Waka Flocka).


Crimes / Documentary / Movies / Society / Videos19.08.2011

Bus 174

Documentary depicts what happened in Rio de Janeiro on June 12th 2000, when bus 174 was taken by an armed young man, threatening to shoot all the passengers. Transmitted live on all Brazilian TV networks, this shocking and tragic-ending event became one of violence's most shocking portraits, and one of the scariest examples of police incompetence and abuse in recent years


Club / Documentary / Music / Videos05.07.2011

Technocity Berlin 1993

Ein Wochenende in der Berliner Technoszene. Reportage von Joachim Haupt. 1993.


Crimes / Documentary / Videos30.06.2011

East LA Gangs

A two part recording of a "60 Minutes" segment aired in 1978 with Dan Rather on the scene with some of the gangs of East Los Angeles. This is probably the first time that the West Coast gang culture recieved in depth exposure on national TV.


Documentary / Trailer / Videos22.06.2011

This Ain’t California – Skateboarding in der DDR

This is the story of three adolescents, who made an unlikely discovery on the GDR's crumbling tarmac: the skateboard. The board from America didn't just become the fun epicenter of their last summers in East Germany, but also turned into a symbol for their autonomy in a decrepit "Regelstaat" that had lost touch with its citizens. A mix of staged scenes and archive footage allows us an unconventional look into the universe of the late GDR's youth. The legend of East German skaters is the starting point for this unheard of story about fun, rebellion and the courage to be yourself.


Documentary / Drugs / Movies14.06.2011

Fear and Loathing on the Road to Hollywood

Fear and Loathing on the Road to Hollywood, also known as Fear and Loathing in Gonzovision, is a short film produced by BBC Omnibus in 1978 on the subject of Hunter S. Thompson, directed by Nigel Finch. The road trip pairs Thompson with Finch's fellow Briton the illustrator Ralph Steadman. The party travel to Hollywood via Death Valley and Barstow from Las Vegas, scene of the pair's 1971 collaboration. It contains interviews with Thompson and Steadman, as well as some short excerpts from some of his work.


Documentary / Movies / Videos24.05.2011


Gritty documentary film by director Martin Bell which looks at the life and lives of teenagers living on the streets of Seattle in 1984.


Documentary / Music / Videos18.05.2011

The Neptunes present “The 8th Planet”

An experimental documentary created in 2003 by Jason Goldwatch. Released in conjunction with the album "Neptunes Present: The Clones". Features Pharrell, Chad Hugo, the Clipse and Fam Lay.


Documentary / Fuppes / Movies26.04.2011

FC Barcelona – Das Jahr der Entscheidung

Der Fussball des FC Barcelona ist weit mehr als nur Sport: die Befindlichkeit der katalanischen Volksseele steckt in den blau-roten Trickots und der Tabellenplatz ist Indikator für das Selbstwertgefühl der ganzen Region. Seit Juni 2003 wird „Barca", der größte Fußballverein der Welt, von einem neuen Team geleitet an deren Spitze der Anwalt Joan Laporta und ein paar junge Dotcom-Millionäre stehen. Sie sollen den Club aus den 250 Millionen Euro Verschuldung und die Mannschaft zurück zum Erfolg führen. Ein Filmteam begleitet sie exklusiv bei ihrem unkonventionellen Krisenmanagement durch die turbulente Saison 2003/04 bis zum Duell mit dem Erzrivalen Madrid.


Documentary / Music / Videos09.04.2011

Deutsche Hip Hop Szene 1998 (VHS-Rip)

1998 auf 3Sat ausgestrahlte Dokumentation über die Deutsche Hip Hop - Szene. Zu Wort kommen Fischmob, Fünf Sterne Deluxe, Eins Zwo, Spax, MC Rene, Hausmarke, Falk und andere.


Documentary / Movies30.03.2011


Documentary about the bicycle messengers who weave their way in and out of traffic in New York City.


Business / Documentary / Movies / Politics / Society / Videos25.03.2011

Water makes Money (Documentary)

"...überall, wo finanziell klamme Kommunen nach Entlastung suchen, klopfen die weltgrößten Wasserkonzerne Veolia und Suez an die Tür. Innerhalb der letzten 10 Jahre hat allein Veolia es geschafft,  nach eigenen Angaben in 450 deutschen Städten die Wasserversorgung zu übernehmen oder an ihr beteiligt zu werden. Mittlerweile ist der französische Konzern incl. seiner Beteiligungen im Trink- und Abwasserbereich etwa gleichauf mit Gelsenwasser der größte Versorger in Deutschland. Ähnliche Expansionserfolge sind in Polen, den Baltischen Republiken, Lettland, Estland, Litauen, der Tschechische Republik, der Slowakei, Rumänien, Italien, Spanien, den USA und nun auch in China zu verzeichnen, wo Veolia laufend die Unterschrift neuer Verträge verkündet. Wenn in Kalifornien Wasserknappheit droht, empfängt Schwarzenegger Veolias Vorstandsvorsitzender Henri Proglio. Derselbe ist auch  für Chinas Präsident die erste Adresse, wenn das aufstrebende Land ein 100 Mrd.$ Programm zur Erneuerung der Abwasserversorgung auflegt. Bereits in mindestens 69 Ländern auf allen fünf Kontinenten sind Veolia und Suez präsent - ist das der unaufhaltsame Aufstieg zweier Wassergiganten zur weltweiten Hegemonialmacht einer privatisierten Wasserversorgung?"


Basketball / Documentary / Movies / Sports / Videos18.03.2011

ESPN: The Fab Five (Documentary)

"In their heyday, the Fab Five were widely portrayed as the root of all evil in college sports. They wore baggy shorts and black socks. They blasted hip-hop music in the locker room. They talked trash. A lot. Those types of uniforms and behavior might be commonplace today, but 20 years ago it was revolutionary, polarizing and heavily influential to a generation of young athletes. Although the Fab Five never got into serious trouble off the court, the players symbolized to many people a clear shift in the sports world and youth culture. Fans of all races and demographics spent millions of dollars on Michigan jerseys, shorts and the like, trying to capture a tiny slice of the group's mystique. By the end of their second year together, the Fab Five were routinely battered in the national media for the way they carried themselves. Articles and television reports painted them as brash villains or worse -- as thugs. Now, two decades later, Rose, Jackson, King and Howard have come together in ESPN's "Fab Five" documentary to tell the inside story of the freshman class that was feted as rock stars. Notably absent is Webber, the No. 1 recruit from the Class of '91, who isn't yet willing to discuss two sticky subjects: the payment scandal, which led to legal problems for Webber and the removal of the Fab Five's banners from Crisler Arena, and the infamous timeout gaffe at the end of the 1993 national championship game."  


Documentary / Movies / Music / Videos18.03.2011

Another State of Mind (Documentary)

"Another State of Mind is a documentary film made in the summer of 1982 chronicling the adventure (and misadventure) of two punk bands – Social Distortion and Youth Brigade – as they embark on their first international tour."


Documentary / Movies / Skate / Videos17.03.2011

Epicly Later’d: Josh Kalis (Documentary)

The Kalis series finally begins. Right off the bat, Josh clears up a few issues for everybody and we get right into things with how it all got started in Grand Rapids. Sean Sheffey appears and lets us know that Josh has always been a well respected skater, and Mike Blabac recalls when Josh helped him learn how to use his camera. Ted Lee provided the archival footage of a young Kalis, and if there had been more time we would have loved to show more of Ted’s incredible old footage that includes a New Deal demo with Ed Templeton and Mike Vallely. Enjoy.

Nirvana & Sonic Youth

Documentary / Movies / Music / Videos03.03.2011

1991 – The Year Punk Broke (Documentary)

"1991: The Year Punk Broke is a 1992 documentary directed by Dave Markey featuring American alternative rock band Sonic Youth on tour in Europe in 1991. While Sonic Youth is the focus of the documentary, the film also gives attention to Nirvana, Dinosaur Jr., Babes in Toyland, Gumball and The Ramones. Also featured in the film are Mark Arm, Dan Peters and Matt Lukin of Mudhoney, Courtney Love, and Joe Cole, who was murdered in a robbery three months after the tour ended."


Documentary / Movies / Politics / Society / Videos01.03.2011

Camp Victory, Afghanistan (Documentary)

"You have the clocks, we have the time" Afghan proverb


Documentary / Movies / Society / Videos22.01.2011

The Mark of Cain (Documentary)

"Sailing ships, stars, angels and executioners The Mark of Cain chronicles the vanishing practice and language of Russian Criminal Tattoos..."


Documentary / Interviews / Politics / Videos21.01.2011

Interview mit Jochen Scholz, ehemaliger Oberstleutnant der NATO-Luftwaffe

"Der ehemalige Oberstleutnant der NATO-Luftwaffe, Jochen Scholz, weist im Interview auf die Diskrepanzen zwischen Berichterstattung und den tatsächlichen Gründen der deutschen Beteiligung am Jugoslawienkrieg im Jahre 1999 hin ... Scholz setzt ebenfalls seine Fragezeichen zu den Umständen der Anschläge des 11. September: Wie konnten 19 teppichmesserschwingende Studenten davon ausgehen, dass die komplette Flugabwehr der USA an diesem Tag versagt? Scholz gibt einen tiefen Einblick in die Ungereimtheiten unter militärischem Blickwinkel und erklärt überdies auch noch die wirkliche Bedeutung der "Global Missile Defense" in Polen und Tschechien."