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Conspiracy Theories / Crimes / Documentary / Politics22.10.2013

Dirty Wars

Investigative journalist Jeremy Scahill travels to Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia, and other countries where the United States has taken military action. In Afghanistan, he investigates a night raid conducted by the Joint Special Operations Command. He also investigates the U.S. assassination of Anwar al-Awlaki. The documentary also shares testimonies from CIA agents, Special Forces operators, military generals, and warlords backed by the United States. Dirty Wars premiered at the 2013 Sundance Film Festival on January 18, 2013. The film competed in the U.S. documentary section, and it won the Cinematography award.


Conspiracy Theories / Crimes / Politics / Society05.05.2013

Are all telephone calls recorded and accessible to the US government?

The real capabilities and behavior of the US surveillance state are almost entirely unknown to the American public because, like most things of significance done by the US government, it operates behind an impenetrable wall of secrecy. But a seemingly spontaneous admission this week by a former FBI counterterrorism agent provides a rather startling acknowledgment of just how vast and invasive these surveillance activities are.


Conspiracy Theories / Crimes12.01.2013

Bonner Hauptbahnhof – Bombe hatte doch keinen Zünder

Die Bombe, die am 10. Dezember auf einem Bahngleis des Bonner Hauptbahnhofs abgestellt worden war, besaß, anders als bisher behauptet, doch keinen Zünder. „Die Bombe war nicht sprengfähig, weil ein Zünder fehlte“, sagte ein hoher Sicherheitsbeamter der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Sonntagszeitung (F.A.S). Zuvor hatte es geheißen, dass die Bombe gezündet worden, aber wegen eines Baufehlers nicht detoniert sei. Darauf hätten ein niedriger Ladestand der Batterien und Schmauchspuren an der Tasche hingewiesen, in der die Bombe transportiert worden war.


Conspiracy Theories / Politics / Society20.05.2012

How FBI Entrapment Is Inventing ‘Terrorists’ – and Letting Bad Guys Off the Hook

You know what else has changed? You and I – to our shame. Entraptment is illegal  – but the question of whether law enforcement set up a legal sting or illegal entrapment is for a jury to decide. Entrapment was why juries acquitted the defendants in the Camden, VVAW, and Harrisburg cases. "How stupid did those people in Washington think we were?" a Harrisburg juror told a reporter. The feds don’t have to worry about folks like that any more. Not a single "terrorism" indictment has been thrown out for entrapment since 9/11 – not the Liberty City goofballs supposedly planning to blow up the Sears Tower who had no weapons and refused them with offered; not the Newburgh, New York outfit whose numbers included a schizophrenic who saved his own urine in bottles. (Even the judge who sentenced them said "the government made them terrorists.")


Politics / Society / Zahlen13.02.2012

The Counterterrorism Consensus

There are few areas of greater disappointment for liberal supporters of President Barack Obama than his policies on civil liberties. From the failure to close Guantanamo Bay and his ramped up drone war to the continued reliance on indefinite detention, military commissions for accused terrorists, and the recent National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that potentially allows for the killing of American citizens without due process, Obama's presidency, or so the argument goes, has been one broken promise after another. Yet, none of this seems to be having any effect on Obama's political standing -- even among Democrats. The results of a recent Washington Post-ABC News poll provide compelling evidence of how little a price Obama has paid for these policies. According to the poll, 70 percent of respondents support the president's decision to keep Guantanamo Bay open. Indeed, backing for Gitmo is actually higher today than it was in 2003. Among the president's political base, 53 percent who self-identify as liberal Democrats -- and 67 percent of moderate or conservative Democrats -- are also supportive.