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Crimes / Society21.01.2012

The Abu Ghraib of Los Angeles?

On Wednesday, citing "a sick culture of deputy-on-inmate hyper-violence [that] has been flourishing for decades in the darkness of the L.A. County Jails," the ACLU sued the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department seeking better training for deputies, and better oversight, investigation, and discipline in cases involving prisoner mistreatment. The suit draws on information published in a report released last September by the ACLU's National Prison Project and Southern California branch. The report showed a pattern of brutal abuses carried out by what the report calls a "savage gang" of deputies who oversee the prisoners. "Like members of street gangs, these deputies sport tattoos to signal their gang membership," the lawsuit alleges. "They beat up inmates to gain prestige among their peers, and 'earn their ink' by breaking inmates' bones." According to eyewitnesses, deputies have punched, kicked, and beaten prisoners to the point that they required surgery or hospitalization; humiliated them with sexual and racial epithets; thrown them in solitary confinement for no reason; and set them up for assault and rape by other prisoners.


Crimes / Drugs27.02.2011

“Alles, was reinhaut”

GBL "ist in Weichspülern auf dem deutschen Markt nicht enthalten", betonte der Industrieverband Waschmittel. "Wenn aber erst einmal so ein Gerücht unter Häftlingen kursiert, dass Weichspüler eine gute Ersatzdroge sei, dann hat das oft frappierende Wirkung", sagt Auwärter. Die Häftlinge glauben dann fest daran, sich am Weichspüler berauschen zu können.